

Monday, June 21, 2010




Need a chalkboard for my thoughts. I guess that's all this is really about. A bit of venting for this this one fella about... whatever... My expression spot for just about anything... Movies (don't get started), Dating & Marriage (Really, don't get me started), the followers of the great doctrine called Life cycle (recycled social retards... we'll get there), my search for meaning on the revolving blue-green marble, my walk with God, my life...


Life... hmmmm... whatever. Oh no!, you say, another of them depressed writers, gonna sap the joy right of the living for the reader, you think. Actually, that's far from my intention (do alert me if there's so much as a whiff of that creeping in... really). Nah, I wanna play play play... I wanna be the person I cant be in real life everytime I type a blog... a warped, not-too-dark-but-somewhat-twisted, point-of-view of the times of Shawlaa Mossrow, past, present, and... future is too much isn't it? Dont wanna metaphorsize into an Aspiring-Super-Shaw (yup, that spells 'Ass'). You know, blabbing on and on about how I wanna do blah blah, and I am gonna do blah blah, and then will get around to doing blurblurblurb. Don't get me wrong; nothing's wrong with aspiration, just not the same old boiling fart in the stratos, y'know. I'm gonna finally get around to quitting my job and making it big in movies. Yay!


Here's the deal, if I actually do it, I'll blog it. So, unless it's some juicy jeeeeeeuuuuuuuicy stuff... like...<scrambled to protect the innocent> Yeah, I'll drop some o'that. Oh joy!

Okay, prologue done... Here we go. I'm a blogger now